Submission Details

#30 Lack of Inline Comments in all contracts #SmartVaultV3, SmartVaultManagerV5, LiquidationPoolManager. LiquidationPool


Low Risk

Relevant GitHub Links


The SmartVaultV3, SmartVaultManager, LiquidationPoolManager, LiquidationPool contract lacks inline comments, which are essential for providing a clear and concise explanation of the codebase's functionality, structure, and key components. Inline comments serve as documentation within the code, aiding developers in understanding the logic, purpose, and potential risks associated with specific sections of the contract.


Ongoing maintenance and updates become more difficult without inline comments, making it harder for developers to identify and address issues, implement enhancements, or add new features. Developers, including the original author and collaborators, may find it challenging to comprehend the code's intricate details, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Without comments explaining the rationale behind certain design choices or highlighting potential security considerations, developers may overlook critical aspects that could lead to vulnerabilities

Tools Used

Manual review


Incorporate inline comments throughout the #SmartVaultV3, SmartVaultManagerV5, and LiquidationPoolManager. LiquidationPool contract to provide clear explanations of the code's purpose, functionality, and any critical considerations.

Comments and Activity

Lead Judging Started

hrishibhat Lead Judge 4 months ago
Submission Judgement Published
Reason: Non-acceptable severity


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