Vyper - Compiler - Findings Report

Table of contents

Contest Summary

Sponsor: Vyper

Dates: Sep 14th, 2023 - Nov 4th, 2023

more contest details

Results Summary

Number of findings:

  • High: 2
  • Medium: 7
  • Low: 22

High Risk Findings

H-01. integer overflow in slice()

Submitted by KuroHashDit, obront. Selected submission by: KuroHashDit.


There is an integer overflow in the slice() code, which will cause memory corruption.

Vulnerability Details


d: public(Bytes[256])
def test():
	x : uint256 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 # 2**256-1
	self.d = b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06"
	# s : Bytes[256] = slice(self.d, 1, x)
	assert len(slice(self.d, 1, x))==115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935

Since x is a variable, slice(self.d, 1, x) will return a Bytes[256] object. However, due to an integer overflow, the length of this Bytes[256] object will be written to 2**256-1, and accessing this object may cause memory corruption.


line 348 in vyper/builtins/functions.py

def build_IR(self, expr, args, kwargs, context):
    src, start, length = args

    # Handle `msg.data`, `self.code`, and `<address>.code`
    if src.value in ADHOC_SLICE_NODE_MACROS:
        return _build_adhoc_slice_node(src, start, length, context)

    is_bytes32 = src.typ == BYTES32_T
    if src.location is None:
        # it's not a pointer; force it to be one since
        # copy_bytes works on pointers.
        assert is_bytes32, src
        src = ensure_in_memory(src, context)

    with src.cache_when_complex("src") as (b1, src), start.cache_when_complex("start") as (
    ), length.cache_when_complex("length") as (b3, length):
        if is_bytes32:
            src_maxlen = 32
            src_maxlen = src.typ.maxlen

        dst_maxlen = length.value if length.is_literal else src_maxlen

        buflen = dst_maxlen

        # add 32 bytes to the buffer size bc word access might
        # be unaligned (see below)
        if src.location == STORAGE:
            buflen += 32

        # Get returntype string or bytes
        assert isinstance(src.typ, _BytestringT) or is_bytes32
        # TODO: try to get dst_typ from semantic analysis
        if isinstance(src.typ, StringT):
            dst_typ = StringT(dst_maxlen)
            dst_typ = BytesT(dst_maxlen)

        # allocate a buffer for the return value
        buf = context.new_internal_variable(BytesT(buflen))
        # assign it the correct return type.
        # (note mismatch between dst_maxlen and buflen)
        dst = IRnode.from_list(buf, typ=dst_typ, location=MEMORY)

        dst_data = bytes_data_ptr(dst)

        if is_bytes32:
            src_len = 32
            src_data = src
            src_len = get_bytearray_length(src)
            src_data = bytes_data_ptr(src)

        # general case. byte-for-byte copy
        if src.location == STORAGE:
            # because slice uses byte-addressing but storage
            # is word-aligned, this algorithm starts at some number
            # of bytes before the data section starts, and might copy
            # an extra word. the pseudocode is:
            #   dst_data = dst + 32
            #   copy_dst = dst_data - start % 32
            #   src_data = src + 32
            #   copy_src = src_data + (start - start % 32) / 32
            #            = src_data + (start // 32)
            #   copy_bytes(copy_dst, copy_src, length)
            #   //set length AFTER copy because the length word has been clobbered!
            #   mstore(src, length)

            # start at the first word-aligned address before `start`
            # e.g. start == byte 7 -> we start copying from byte 0
            #      start == byte 32 -> we start copying from byte 32
            copy_src = IRnode.from_list(
                ["add", src_data, ["div", start, 32]], location=src.location

            # e.g. start == byte 0 -> we copy to dst_data + 0
            #      start == byte 7 -> we copy to dst_data - 7
            #      start == byte 33 -> we copy to dst_data - 1
            copy_dst = IRnode.from_list(
                ["sub", dst_data, ["mod", start, 32]], location=dst.location

            # len + (32 if start % 32 > 0 else 0)
            copy_len = ["add", length, ["mul", 32, ["iszero", ["iszero", ["mod", start, 32]]]]]
            copy_maxlen = buflen

            # all other address spaces (mem, calldata, code) we have
            # byte-aligned access so we can just do the easy thing,
            # memcopy(dst_data, src_data + dst_data)

            copy_src = add_ofst(src_data, start)
            copy_dst = dst_data
            copy_len = length
            copy_maxlen = buflen

        do_copy = copy_bytes(copy_dst, copy_src, copy_len, copy_maxlen)

        ret = [
            # make sure we don't overrun the source buffer
            ["assert", ["le", ["add", start, length], src_len]],  # bounds check  #BUG CODE IS HERE start + length might overflow
            ["mstore", dst, length],  # set length
            dst,  # return pointer to dst
        ret = IRnode.from_list(ret, typ=dst_typ, location=MEMORY)
        return b1.resolve(b2.resolve(b3.resolve(ret)))

["assert", ["le", ["add", start, length], src_len]] may have integer overflow, bypassing the assert here, and finally writing the wrong length to dst.


Medium Risk


Fix integer overflow here

H-02. concat built-in can corrupt memory

Submitted by cyberthirst, KuroHashDit. Selected submission by: cyberthirst.

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concat built-in can write over the bounds of the memory buffer that was allocated for it and thus overwrite existing valid data. The root cause, at least for v0.3.10rc3*, is that the build_IR for concat doesn't properly adhere to the API of copy_bytes.

Vulnerability Details

The build_IR allocates a new internal variable for the concatenation: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/builtins/functions.py#L534-L550

Notice that the buffer is allocated for the maxlen + 1 word to actually hold the length of the array.

Later the copy_bytes function is used to copy the actual source arguments to the destination: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/builtins/functions.py#L569-L572

The dst_data is defined as:

  • data ptr - to skip the 1 word that holds the length
  • offset - to skip the source arguments that were already written to the buffer
    • the offset is increased via: ["set", ofst, ["add", ofst, arglen]], ie it is increased by the length of the source argument

Now, the copy_bytes function has multiple control flow paths, the following ones are the interesting ones: 1st: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L270-L273 2nd: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L301-L320

It can be seen that in both paths a word from source can be copied to the destination.

Note that the function itself contains the following note: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L245-L247

That is we can ask for a copy of 1B yet a whole word is copied.

Now, if the dst_data's distance to the end of the concat data buffer is < 32B, the copy_op = STORE(dst, LOAD(src)) from copy_bytes will result in buffer overflow as it essentially will mstore to dst_data the mload of the source (mload will load whole word and the distance of the dst_data to the word boundary is <32B). The argumentation for the 2nd path in copy_bytes is analogical.


The main attack vector that was found was when the concat is inside an internal function or in __init__(). Suppose we have an external function that calls internal one. In such case the address space is divided such that the memory for the internal function is in lower portion of the adr space. As such the buffer overflow can overwrite valid data of the caller.

Here is a simple example:

#@version ^0.3.9

def bar() -> uint256:
    sss: String[2] = concat("a", "b") 
    return 1

def foo() -> int256:
    a: int256 = -1
    b: uint256 = self.bar()
    return a 

foo should clearly return -1, but it returns 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655

-1 was used intentionally due to its bit structure but the value here is fairly irelevant. In this example during the second iteration of the for loop in the build_IR mload to dst+1 will be executed (because len('a') == 1), thus the function will write 1B over the bounds of the buffer. The string 'b' is stored such that the right-most byte of the word is a zero byte. So,a zero byte will be written over the bounds. So when -1 is considered, it's left-most byte will be overwritten to all 0. Therefore it can be seen that: 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655 == (2**248-1) will output True.

Analysis of IR

If we look at the contract's IR (vyper --no-optimize -f it) we see:

# Line 30
                          /* a: int256 = -1 */ [mstore, 320, -1 <-1>],

And for the second iteration of the loop in concat:

                        [mload, arg],
                            [add, arg, 32],
                              [add, [add, 256 <concat destination>, 32], concat_ofst],
                              [mstore, dst, [mload, src]]]],
                          [set, concat_ofst, [add, concat_ofst, len]]]]],
                    [mstore, 256 <concat destination>, concat_ofst],
                    256 <concat destination>]],

So the address of the int is 320.

The dst is defined as: [add, [add, 256 <concat destination>, 32], concat_ofst],. In the second iteration the concat_ofst will be 1 because len('a)==1 so 256+32+1 = 289. Now this address will be mstored to - so the last mstored B will have the address 289+32=321 which clearly overlaps with the address of the int a.

2nd path and __init__()

To demonstrate the vulnerability in the second mentioned path (longer length_bound - the general case):

#@version ^0.3.9

s: String[1]
s2: String[33]
s3: String[34]

def __init__():
    self.s = "a"
    self.s2 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" # 33*'a'

def bar() -> uint256:
    self.s3 = concat(self.s, self.s2)
    return 1

def foo() -> int256:
    i: int256 = -1
    b: uint256 = self.bar()
    return i

Output of calling foo() is 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655`.

And lastly, a PoC for the __init__() function, in such case the immutables can be overwritten:

#@version ^0.3.9

i: immutable(int256)

def __init__():
    i = -1
    s: String[2] = concat("a", "b")

def foo() -> int256:
    return i

Output of calling foo() is 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655.


The buffer overflow can result in a complete change of semantics of the contract, which is even worse if an attacker controls the inputs to the function. Because the overflow doesn't have to happen each time it might go unnoticed during contract testing and vulnerable code can be deployed on chain.

However, not all usages of concat will result in overwriting valid data as we require it to be in an internal function and close to the return statement where other memory allocations don't occur. As such the likelihood is considered medium.

It seems that the bug was introduced in: 548d35d720fb6fd8efbdc0ce525bed259a73f0b9. git bisect was used between v0.3.1 (which seems to be good) and v0.3.2 (which was already bad) and forge test was run and the test asserted that the function indeed returns -1. So contracts deployed with vyper after this commit might be affected.

Tools Used

Manual review to find the bug. boa + forge + git bisect for testing.


One possible solution would be overallocate the buffer used for the concatenation. It must be ensured that even if the source arguments are copied to the destination when the destination is close to the buffer end (ie distance is <32B), it will not result in a buffer overflow.

Medium Risk Findings

M-01. vyper-serve unable to compile bytecode due to changes in vyper_compile.py's compile_files function definition

Submitted by cryptonoob.

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In vyper's version 0.3.10 vyper-serve is unable to compile bytecode HTTP requests due to changes made on cli/vyper_compile.py's compile_files function parameters definitions as shown below.
This made unable to use vyper-serve to compile contracts via HTTP

Vulnerability Details

On vyper's 0.3.9 version the cli/vyper_compile.py's compiles_files function declaration is the following:

# cli/vyper_compile.py version 0.3.9
def compile_files(
    input_files: Iterable[str],
    output_formats: OutputFormats,
    root_folder: str = ".",
    show_gas_estimates: bool = False,
    evm_version: str = DEFAULT_EVM_VERSION,
    no_optimize: bool = False,
    storage_layout: Iterable[str] = None,
    no_bytecode_metadata: bool = False,
) -> OrderedDict:
	# ...

However, vyper's cli/vyper_compile.py's compile_files 0.3.10rc3 version removes EVM_VERSION_FIELD paramater:

# cli/vyper_compile.py version 0.3.10rc3  
def compile_files(
    input_files: Iterable[str],
    output_formats: OutputFormats,
    root_folder: str = ".",
    show_gas_estimates: bool = False,
    settings: Optional[Settings] = None,
    storage_layout: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    no_bytecode_metadata: bool = False,
) -> OrderedDict:
	# ... 

compile_files is called on vyper_serve.py with evm_version as an argument:

# vyper_serve.py
def _compile(self, data):
        code = data.get("code")
        # ... 
            code = data["code"]
            out_dict = vyper.compile_codes(
                {"": code},
                evm_version=data.get("evm_version", DEFAULT_EVM_VERSION),	# <<== EVM_VERSION 

So, now the arguments passed to cli/vyper_compile.py aren't valid and vyper_serve.py is not able to produce bytecode anymore.

An easy way to comprobe this vulnerability is installing both versions (0.3.9 and 0.3.10rc3) as shown next:

  • Step 1 Install 0.3.9 and launch vyper-serve:
    In one terminal install 0.3.9 version:
cd /tmp/
virtualenv vyper_venv9
source vyper_venv9/bin/activate
pip install vyper==0.3.9
vyper --version

Start vyper-serve:


Using an http request compile a contract:

curl -X POST localhost:8000/compile -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"code": "\n\n# @version ^0.3.7\n\n@external\ndef foo():\n    pass\n"}'

Observe the successful response:

  "ast_dict": {
    "contract_name": "",
    "ast": {
      "ast_type": "Module",
      "src": "0:50:0",
      "end_col_offset": 8,
      "doc_string": null,
      "node_id": 0,
      "lineno": 1,
      "body": [
          "args": {
            "args": ...

Stop the vyper-serve using Ctrl-C

  • Step 2 Observe vyper-serve 0.3.10 is unable to compile bytecode
    Install 0.3.10 version:
cd /tmp/
virtualenv vyper_venv10
source vyper_venv10/bin/activate
pip install vyper==0.3.10rc3
vyper --version

Start vyper-serve:


Using an http request try to compile the same contract:

curl -X POST localhost:8000/compile -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"code": "\n\n# @version ^0.3.7\n\n@external\ndef foo():\n    pass\n"}'

Observe the response:

curl: (52) Empty reply from server

And the stack trace from vyper-serve console:

Exception occurred during processing of request from ('', 44642)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/socketserver.py", line 683, in process_request_thread
    self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/socketserver.py", line 360, in finish_request
    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/socketserver.py", line 747, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/http/server.py", line 433, in handle
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/http/server.py", line 421, in handle_one_request
  File "/tmp/vyper_venv10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vyper/cli/vyper_serve.py", line 72, in do_POST
    response, status_code = self._compile(data)
  File "/tmp/vyper_venv10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vyper/cli/vyper_serve.py", line 94, in _compile
    out_dict = vyper.compile_codes(
TypeError: compile_codes() got an unexpected keyword argument 'evm_version'

This is due to the change made on compile_files explained above.


Users can't use vyper-serve to compile bytecode leading to a loss of functionality / denial of service

Impact: Low
Likehood: High

CVSS Medium - 4.3

Tools Used

Manual analysis

Recommended Mitigation

Change cli/vyper_compile.py compile_files function definition to take into account the evm_version argument from vyper_serve.py@_compile function (for example in version 0.3.9)

M-02. SHA3_64 Vulnerability in compile_ir.py

Submitted by KuroHashDit.


There is an error in the calculation of SHA3_64, which will produce wrong hash results and may affect the access of HashMap objects.

Vulnerability Details

line 583 in compile_ir.py

# SHA3 a 64 byte value
elif code.value == "sha3_64":
	o = _compile_to_assembly(code.args[0], withargs, existing_labels, break_dest, height)
	o.extend(_compile_to_assembly(code.args[1], withargs, existing_labels, break_dest, height))
	return o

o.extend(_compile_to_assembly(code.args[1], withargs, existing_labels, break_dest, height)) should be on height+1. This code will affect the correct access of the withargs variable.


Because SHA3_64 is related to the reading and writing of HashMap objects, it has an important impact on the data on the contract chain. The overall impact should be high level.

POC Code:

(with _loc
	(with val 1 
		(with key 2 
			(sha3_64 val key))) 
					(sstore _loc 
					(with x (sload _loc) 
						(with ans (add x 1) (seq (assert (ge ans x)) ans))))))

python -m vyper --vyper-ir bug.ir

the generated bytecode: 6001600281806020525f5260405f2090509050805460018101818110610026579050815550005b5f80fd

0000    60  PUSH1 0x01
0002    60  PUSH1 0x02
0004    81  DUP2
0005    80  DUP1       *********** bad code here!!!!!!
0006    60  PUSH1 0x20
0008    52  MSTORE

M-03. RawCall builtin function allows passing a value in unsupported calls

Submitted by pcaversaccio, 0xdeadbeef. Selected submission by: 0xdeadbeef.

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Vyper compiler allows passing a value in builtin raw_call even if the call is a delegatecall or staticcall. This is very dangerous in implementations such as multicall. As a real world example, the popular snekmate library multicall util is vulnerable due to the insufficient checks in the vyper compiler

Vulnerability Details

The RawCall handler of the builtin function does not check that if value is passed to the builtin function and is_delegate_call or is_static_call is true: https://github.com/Cyfrin/2023-09-vyper-compiler/blob/main/vyper/builtins/functions.py#L1100

class RawCall(BuiltinFunction):
    def build_IR(self, expr, args, kwargs, context):
        gas, value, outsize, delegate_call, static_call, revert_on_failure = (
        if delegate_call:
            call_op = ["delegatecall", gas, to, *common_call_args] # @audit should check that if is_delegate_call then value == 0 
        elif static_call:
            call_op = ["staticcall", gas, to, *common_call_args] # @audit should check that if is_static_call then value == 0 
        call_ir += [call_op]
            return IRnode.from_list(call_ir, typ=typ)

Here is an example implementation in vyper that will be successfully compiled and deployed:

event logUint256:
    logged_uint256: indexed(uint256)

def delegatedTo1():
    log logUint256(msg.value)

def delegatedTo2():
    log logUint256(msg.value)

def delegateToSelf():
    return_data: Bytes[300] = b""
    call_data1: Bytes[100] = _abi_encode(b"",method_id=method_id("delegatedTo1()"))
    call_data2: Bytes[100] = _abi_encode(b"",method_id=method_id("delegatedTo2()"))

    return_data = raw_call(self, call_data1, max_outsize=255, is_delegate_call=True, value=msg.value/2)
    return_data = raw_call(self, call_data2, max_outsize=255, is_delegate_call=True, value=msg.value/2)

In the above example, the developer would expect to receive the passed msg.value/2 in delegatedTo1/2 however they would receive the full msg.value

Transaction trace when sending 100 to delegateToSelf shows that both delegatecalls output 100(0x64) instead of 50:

    function test_incorrectMsgValueDelegatecall() external {
        address vyper = address(0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0);
        vyper.call{value: 100}(abi.encodeWithSignature("delegateToSelf()"));


Running 1 test for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] test_incorrectMsgValueDelegatecall() (gas: 13858)
  [13858] CounterTest::test_incorrectMsgValueDelegatecall() 
    ├─ [3956] 0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0::delegateToSelf{value: 100}() 
    │   ├─ [27] PRECOMPILE::identity(0x) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 0x
    │   ├─ [27] PRECOMPILE::identity(0x) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 0x
    │   ├─ [1221] 0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0::541c930c(00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) [delegatecall]
    │   │   ├─  emit topic 0: 0xd74736c81b9d709d9d3cc16b682a1075c6b99b57b848fefb07ba5368ff27827d
    │   │   │       topic 1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064
    │   │   │           data: 0x
    │   │   └─ ← ()
    │   ├─ [18] PRECOMPILE::identity(0x) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 0x
    │   ├─ [1221] 0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0::f0b781bd(00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) [delegatecall]
    │   │   ├─  emit topic 0: 0xd74736c81b9d709d9d3cc16b682a1075c6b99b57b848fefb07ba5368ff27827d
    │   │   │       topic 1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064
    │   │   │           data: 0x
    │   │   └─ ← ()
    │   ├─ [18] PRECOMPILE::identity(0x) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 0x
    │   └─ ← ()
    └─ ← ()

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 186.29ms

In solidity however this is not possible. The compiler would throw an error:

pragma solidity 0.8.17;

contract SolidityDelegatecallValue {
    function tryMe() external {
        (bool succeess, bytes memory retVal) = address(this).delegatecall{value: 100}("");

    receive() external payable {}

When compiling:

Compiler run failed:
Error (6189): Cannot set option "value" for delegatecall.
 --> src/solidity_delegatecall_value.sol:5:48:
5 |         (bool succeess, bytes memory retVal) = address(this).delegatecall{value: 100}("");
  |                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


This allows developers to perform a delegatecall or staticcall with a value that will not be used because of the nature of delegatecall and staticcall. This can disrupt accounting and easily be missed by developers thus causing a loss of funds

This would be extremely proplematic in multicall implementations. A real world example is the implementation of the popular snekmate libraries: https://github.com/pcaversaccio/snekmate/blob/5fe40ea7376b0405244d6c3f4f4f6c7b047c146b/src/utils/Multicall.vy#L169

def multicall_value_self(data: DynArray[BatchValueSelf, max_value(uint8)]) -> DynArray[Result, max_value(uint8)]:
    value_accumulator: uint256 = empty(uint256)
    results: DynArray[Result, max_value(uint8)] = []
    return_data: Bytes[max_value(uint8)] = b""
    success: bool = empty(bool)
    for batch in data:
        msg_value: uint256 = batch.value
        value_accumulator = unsafe_add(value_accumulator, msg_value)
        if (batch.allow_failure == False):
            return_data = raw_call(self, batch.call_data, max_outsize=255, value=msg_value, is_delegate_call=True)
            success = True
            results.append(Result({success: success, return_data: return_data}))
            success, return_data = \
                raw_call(self, batch.call_data, max_outsize=255, value=msg_value, is_delegate_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
            results.append(Result({success: success, return_data: return_data}))
    assert msg.value == value_accumulator, "Multicall: value mismatch"
    return results

Tools Used

Foundry, Vyper


Throw an exception RawCall.build_ir in builtins/functions.py if value is not 0 and is_delegate_call or is_static_call are true.

M-04. Contract interfaces allow nonpayable implementations of payable functions

Submitted by obront.

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When a contract interface is implemented, the compiler checks that each function in the interface has a corresponding public function in the contract. However, it does not check that the functions have the same visibility, which can lead to dangerous situations.

Vulnerability Details

When performing semantic analysis on a contract that implements an interface, the compiler calls type_.validate_implements(node) to confirm that the interface is correctly implemented.

This function iterates through all public functions on the interface, checks that we have implemented a function with the same name, and then verifies that all the arguments and return types are of the same type. Finally, it checks that the state mutability of our function is not greater than the interface.

def implements(self, other: "ContractFunctionT") -> bool:
    Checks if this function implements the signature of another

    Used when determining if an interface has been implemented. This method
    should not be directly implemented by any inherited classes.

    if not self.is_external:
        return False

    arguments, return_type = self._iface_sig
    other_arguments, other_return_type = other._iface_sig

    if len(arguments) != len(other_arguments):
        return False
    for atyp, btyp in zip(arguments, other_arguments):
        if not atyp.compare_type(btyp):
            return False

    if return_type and not return_type.compare_type(other_return_type):  # type: ignore
        return False

    if self.mutability > other.mutability:
        return False

    return True

If we look at the mutability enum, we can see that "greater than" represents a less restrictive mutability:

class StateMutability(_StringEnum):
    PURE = _StringEnum.auto()
    VIEW = _StringEnum.auto()
    NONPAYABLE = _StringEnum.auto()
    PAYABLE = _StringEnum.auto()

This means that, although we cannot take a view function on the interface and implement it as a nonpayable function, we can do the inverse and implement any function as a more restrictive type.

While for some types this may make sense, it can lead to problems with payable functions.

Interfaces are intended to define the behavior that is required for a contract to perform. If an interface defines a function as payable, it is safe for interacting contracts to send ETH to that function. However, if a contract that implements that interface changes that function to nonpayable (or to view), it could cause the interacting contracts to revert.


Contracts that Vyper considers to be correctly implementing an interface may not reflect the expectations of the interface, and interacting contracts may end up locked because they expect to be able to send ETH to a function that is not payable.

Note that Solidity has a similar check that "lower" mutabilities are acceptable when implementing an interface, but has a specific carveout for payable functions to avoid this risk. See the table below for a breakdown of the similarities and differences.

------------------------- Solidity ------------ Vyper view => nonpayable NO NO ✓ view => payable NO NO ✓ nonpayable => view/getter YES YES ✓ nonpayable => payable NO NO ✓ payable => view/getter NO YES <== this is the issue payable => nonpayable NO YES <== this is the issue

Tools Used

Manual Review


In the implements() function, check whether the mutability of the function on the interface is payable. If it is, require the implementing contract to make the function payable as well.

M-05. Slice bounds check can be overflowed to access unrelated data

Submitted by obront.

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The bounds check for slices does not account for the ability for start + length to overflow when the start value is not a literal. This creates the ability for an attacker to overflow the bounds check to use the slice() built-in to access either (a) an unrelated storage slot or (b) the previous word of memory.

Vulnerability Details

When calling slice() there are compile time bounds checks if the start and length values are literals, but of course this cannot happen if they are passed values:

if not is_adhoc_slice:
    if length_literal is not None:
        if length_literal < 1:
            raise ArgumentException("Length cannot be less than 1", length_expr)

        if length_literal > arg_type.length:
            raise ArgumentException(f"slice out of bounds for {arg_type}", length_expr)

    if start_literal is not None:
        if start_literal > arg_type.length:
            raise ArgumentException(f"slice out of bounds for {arg_type}", start_expr)
        if length_literal is not None and start_literal + length_literal > arg_type.length:
            raise ArgumentException(f"slice out of bounds for {arg_type}", node)

At runtime, we perform the following equivalent check, but the runtime check does not account for overflows:

["assert", ["le", ["add", start, length], src_len]],  # bounds check

This same issue exists if the bytestring being sliced is in memory or storage:

The storage slice() function copies bytes directly from storage into memory and returns the memory value of the resulting slice. This means that, if a user is able to input the start value, they can force an overflow and access an unrelated storage slot. In most cases, this will mean they have the ability to forceably return 0 for the slice, even if this shouldn't be possible. In extreme cases, it will mean they can return another unrelated value from storage.

The memory slice() function returns the memory value of the resulting slice. There is a check as part of the process that start + 32 < length, which means that for the overflow to be possible start must be greater than max uint256 - 31. As a result, the returned slice can be any slice starting up to 32 bytes before the variable that is being sliced.

Proof of Concept

For simplicity, take the following Vyper contract, which takes an argument to determine where in a Bytes[64] bytestring should be sliced. It should only accept a value of zero, and should revert in all other cases.

# @version ^0.3.9

x: public(Bytes[64])
secret: uint256

def __init__():
    self.x = empty(Bytes[64])
    self.secret = 42

def slice_it(start: uint256) -> Bytes[64]:
    return slice(self.x, start, 64)

We can use the following manual storage to demonstrate the vulnerability:

{"x": {"type": "bytes32", "slot": 0}, "secret": {"type": "uint256", "slot": 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248}}

If we run the following test, passing max - 63 as the start value, we will overflow the bounds check, but access the storage slot at 1 + (2**256 - 63) / 32, which is what was set in the above storage layout:

function test__slice_error() public {
    c = SuperContract(deployer.deploy_with_custom_storage("src/loose/", "slice_error", "slice_error_storage"));
    bytes memory result = c.slice_it(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639872); // max - 63

The result is that we return the secret value from storage:


For a memory slice, see the following contract:

# @version ^0.3.9

def slice_it_mem(start: uint256) -> Bytes[32]:
    x: uint256 = 2345908340958
    y: Bytes[32] = b"\x05\x05"
    return slice(y, start, 32)

If we pass max uint256 - 31 as the start, we will be returned 2 (the length of the bytestring). If we pass max uint256 - 30, we will be returned 205 (the length plus the first element of the left aligned bytestring). If we pass max uint256 - 29, we will be returned 20505, etc.


The built-in slice() method can be used to read unrelated storage slots or memory locations by abusing a bounds check overflow.

Tools Used

Manual Review, Foundry


Update the bounds check to also include a check that start + length > start to ensure no overflow is possible.

M-06. External calls can overflow return data to return input buffer

Submitted by obront.

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When calls to external contracts are made, we write the calldata starting at byte 28, and allocate the return buffer to start at byte 0 (overlapping with the calldata). When checking RETURNDATASIZE for dynamic types, the size is compared only to the minimum allowed size for that type, and not to the returned value's length. As a result, malformed return data can cause the contract to mistake its own calldata for returndata.

Vulnerability Details

When arguments are packed for an external call, we create a buffer of size max(args, return_data) + 32. The calldata is placed in this buffer (starting at byte 28), and the return buffer is allocated to start at byte 0. The assumption is that we can reuse the memory becase we will not be able to read past RETURNDATASIZE.

if fn_type.return_type is not None:
    return_abi_t = calculate_type_for_external_return(fn_type.return_type).abi_type

    # we use the same buffer for args and returndata,
    # so allocate enough space here for the returndata too.
    buflen = max(args_abi_t.size_bound(), return_abi_t.size_bound())
    buflen = args_abi_t.size_bound()

buflen += 32  # padding for the method id

When data is returned, we unpack the return data by starting at byte 0. We check that RETURNDATASIZE is greater than the minimum allowed for the returned type:

if not call_kwargs.skip_contract_check:
    assertion = IRnode.from_list(
        ["assert", ["ge", "returndatasize", min_return_size]],
        error_msg="returndatasize too small",

This check ensures that any dynamic types returned will have a size of at least 64. However, it does not verify that RETURNDATASIZE is as large as the length word of the dynamic type.

As a result, if a contract expects a dynamic type to be returned, and the part of the return data that is read as length includes a size that is larger than the actual RETURNDATASIZE, the return data read from the buffer will overrun the actual return data size and read from the calldata.

Proof of Concept

This contract calls an external contract with two arguments. As the call is made, the buffer includes:

  • byte 28: method_id
  • byte 32: first argument (0)
  • byte 64: second argument (hash)

The return data buffer begins at byte 0, and will return the returned bytestring, up to a maximum length of 96 bytes.

interface Zero:
    def sneaky(a: uint256, b: bytes32) -> Bytes[96]: view

def test_sneaky(z: address) -> Bytes[96]:
    return Zero(z).sneaky(0, keccak256("oops"))

On the other side, imagine a simple contract that does not, in fact, return a bytestring, but instead returns two uint256s. I've implemented it in Solidity for ease of use with Foundry:

function sneaky(uint a, bytes32 b) external pure returns (uint, uint) {
    return (32, 32);

The return data will be parsed as a bytestring. The first 32 will point us to byte 32 to read the length. The second 32 will be perceived as the length. It will then read the next 32 bytes from the return data buffer, even though those weren't a part of the return data.

Since these bytes will come from byte 64, we can see above that the hash was placed there in the calldata.

If we run the following Foundry test, we can see that this does in fact happen:

function test__sneakyZeroReturn() public {
    ZeroReturn z = new ZeroReturn();
    c = SuperContract(deployer.deploy("src/loose/", "ret_overflow", ""));


Malicious or mistaken contracts returning the malformed data can result in overrunning the returned data and reading return data from the calldata buffer.

Tools Used

Manual Review, Foundry


If we want to continue to use the same buffer for calldata and return data, add an additional safety check for dynamic return types that the RETURNDATASIZE is checked against the bytes that will be unpacked as the length.

Alternatively, allocate the return data buffer separately in memory.

M-07. Array signed int access

Submitted by Franfran.


Arrays can be keyed by a signed integer, while they are defined for unsigned integers only.

Vulnerability Details

Let's take a toy example:

arr: public(uint256[MAX_UINT256])

def set(idx: int256, num: uint256):
    self.arr[idx] = num

This compile, and works!

If we generate the ir using vyper src/array.vy -f ir, we get this:

[iszero, [xor, _calldata_method_id, 2720814400 <0xa22c5540: set(int256,uint256)>]],
  [assert, [iszero, [or, callvalue, [lt, calldatasize, 68]]]],
    [goto, external_set__int256_uint256__common],
    # Line 4
            [unique_symbol, sstore_2],
            /* store the value at index */
                /* load the array index */
                [calldataload, 4 <idx (4+0)>],
                /* make sure that the int is not 2**255, max is 2**255 - 1 */
              /* load the array value */
              [calldataload, 36 <num (4+32)>]]],
          [exit_to, external_set__int256_uint256__cleanup],
      [label, external_set__int256_uint256__cleanup, var_list, stop]]]]

There is a warning when compiling that says UserWarning: Use of large arrays can be unsafe!, but please note that this will bail out for any array length that is less than 64 bits long. The reason this warning is up is because an arbitrary long array could give the opportunity to write already used storage slots.

We could write a code that doesn't trigger this warning, such as

arr: public(uint256[max_value(uint32)])

def set(idx: int16, num: uint256):
    self.arr[idx] = num

One could assume in a more tailored smart contract that any array access that is out of bound or at least less than 0 will revert but signed integer can also have an unsigned bitwise equivalent which could cause some collisions in the storage. For instance, 0 in the signed integer representation can be expressed with either 0x000..000, or 0x800..000 (-0). These two indexes will be different, so allowing to key an array from a signed integer doesn't seems to be something that we wouldn't restrict.


This could cause sne(a)ky accesses to forbidden storage slots.

Tools Used

Manual review


Add a type check for the Subscriptable node and make sure that types matches.

Low Risk Findings

L-01. [M-01] Compiler fails to revert if a negative integer is passed as a uint datatype.

Submitted by DarkTower .

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Vulnerability Details

The incorrect built-in type checker of the compiler leads a negative integer passing as a value in uint2str. This poses to be a severe issue that can go unnoticed for vyper developers.

As the vyper compiler documentation lays out:

uint2str(value: unsigned integer)→ String Returns an unsigned integer’s string representation. - value: Unsigned integer to convert. - Returns the string representation of value.

Code snippet example where the compiler fails to revert is provided below:

def testFoobar():
    a: String[78] = uint2str(-12)

On compilation, this returns:



Misleads developers and results in an unexpected underflow.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Adding a check on the Vyper language compiler when a negative integer is passed to the uint2str param should render a fix to this issue.

L-02. Builtins that access literal lists cannot be compiled

Submitted by obront, Bauchibred, DarkTower . Selected submission by: obront.

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When types are validated for literal lists passed to builtin functions, we perform the following check:

if not isinstance(expected, (DArrayT, SArrayT)):

However, in this scenario, expected is the type class, not an instance, so it always fails. As a result, the compilation fails.

Vulnerability Details

We will use the builtin len() function to demonstrate this issue.

The len() function accepts a single argument, which can be either a string, byte array or dynamic array:

_inputs = [("b", (StringT.any(), BytesT.any(), DArrayT.any()))]

All builtin functions implement the BuiltinFunction class, which calls the _validate_arg_types() function, which calls self._validate_single() for all arguments.

In the case of the len() function being called with a literal list, the argument passed to _validate_single() is the list node, and the expected type is a tuple of the allowed type classes:

(<class 'vyper.semantics.types.bytestrings.StringT'>, <class 'vyper.semantics.types.bytestrings.BytesT'>, <class 'vyper.semantics.types.subscriptable.DArrayT'>)

This calls the validate_expected_type(), where the given_types returns all the possible types for the literal list.

In the event that the node is a literal list, we go down this code path:

# if it's a literal list, validate: expected contains array, lengths match, each item matches
if isinstance(node, vy_ast.List):
    # special case - for literal arrays we individually validate each item
    for expected in expected_type:
        if not isinstance(expected, (DArrayT, SArrayT)):
        if _validate_literal_array(node, expected):

As we can see, this checks that isinstance(expected, (DArrayT, SArrayT)). Only when this is the case does it proceed to the _validate_literal_array() function, which allows us to return safely without an error.

Unfortunately, isinstance() tells us if an instance fits a given type. But expected is not an instance — it is the type class itself. As a result, this check will always fail, and the compilation will fail.

Proof of Concept

The following Vyper contracts will fail to compile due to this error:

# @version ^0.3.9

x: uint256

def __init__():
    self.x = len([1, 2, 3])
# @version ^0.3.9

number: public(uint256)
exampleList: constant(DynArray[uint256, 3]) = [1, 2, 3]

def __init__():
    self.number = len(exampleList)


Contracts that include literal lists as arguments to builtin functions will fail to compile.

Tools Used

Manual Review


In validate_expected_type(), adjust the check to ensure that the expected type matches with DArrayT or SArrayT, rather than requiring it to be an instance of it.

L-03. ContractFunctionT.from_abi fails to gracefully handle a valid JSON ABI interface that represents __default__ and/or __init__ function

Submitted by 0xZRA.

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ContractFunctionT.from_abi can't handle code with default and/or init methods provided with the object from a valid JSON ABI interface representing a function.

Vulnerability Details

Both `__init__` and `__default__` methods are missing `name` and `inputs` items respectively (although due to valid reasons) in their ABIs which leads to `ContractFunctionT.from_abi` method failure to generate a `ContractFunctionT` object.
Steps to reproduce:
1 - add sample `.vy` code to a standalone file
2 - produce abi by running `vyper -f abi <path-to-the-file>`:
root@06f545b1d4b9:/workspaces/vyper# vyper -f abi tests/sample_code_from_abi.vy         
[{"stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "constructor", "inputs": [], "outputs": []}, {"stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "fallback"}]    
3 - pass ABI payload to `ContractFunctionT.from_abi` method
4 - confirm asserts fail with KeyError for both cases

Add a new test test_init_and_default_fail_to_create_from_abi.py:

import pytest
from vyper.semantics.types.function import ContractFunctionT

def test_init_and_default_fail_to_create_from_abi():
    # content of tests/sample_code_from_abi.vy
    code = """
owner: address
last_sender: address

def __init__():
    self.owner = msg.sender

def __default__():
    self.last_sender = msg.sender
    abi_payload = [{"stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "constructor", "inputs": [], "outputs": []}, {"stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "fallback"}]       

    #Fails with KeyError: 'name'
    init_fn_t = ContractFunctionT.from_abi(abi=init_fn_from_abi)

    #Fails with KeyError: 'inputs'
    default_fn_t = ContractFunctionT.from_abi(abi=default_fn_from_abi)


Leaving unhandled exceptions can often lead to debugging challenges, unclear behavior, and broken client code.

Tools Used

pytest, manual review


Introduce graceful handling of missing items for these 2 built-in methods to ContractFunctionT.from_abi

L-04. Useless memory allocation bug in RawCall

Submitted by KuroHashDit.


RawCall has a bug that allocates useless memory.

Vulnerability Details

prototype of raw_call: raw_call(to: address, data: Bytes, max_outsize: uint256 = 0, gas: uint256 = gasLeft, value: uint256 = 0, is_delegate_call: bool = False, is_static_call: bool = False, revert_on_failure: bool = True)→ Bytes[max_outsize]


def build_IR(self, expr, args, kwargs, context):
    to, data = args
    # TODO: must compile in source code order, left-to-right
    gas, value, outsize, delegate_call, static_call, revert_on_failure = (


    output_node = IRnode.from_list(
        context.new_internal_variable(BytesT(outsize)), typ=BytesT(outsize), location=MEMORY

At line 1143, when out_size is 0, a memory of type BytesT(0) will be allocated here with a size of 32 bytes and will never be used. So this should be corrected.


Low Risk

Tools Used


L-05. compiler crash during assert codegen

Submitted by KuroHashDit.


There is a crash bug when vyper generates assert code.

Vulnerability Details

Good Code:

def __init__():

def test():
    x: uint256 = 1
    s: String[100] = "error"
    assert x == 1, s

This code works well.

Bad Code:

s: public(String[100])

def __init__():
    self.s = "error"

def test():
    x: uint256 = 1
    assert x == 1, self.s

This code will cause the compiler to crash.



class StatementAnnotationVisitor(_AnnotationVisitorBase):
ignored_types = (vy_ast.Break, vy_ast.Continue, vy_ast.Pass, vy_ast.Raise)

def __init__(self, fn_node: vy_ast.FunctionDef, namespace: dict) -> None:
    self.func = fn_node._metadata["type"]
    self.namespace = namespace
    self.expr_visitor = ExpressionAnnotationVisitor(self.func)

    assert self.func.n_keyword_args == len(fn_node.args.defaults)
    for kwarg in self.func.keyword_args:
        self.expr_visitor.visit(kwarg.default_value, kwarg.typ)

def visit(self, node):

def visit_AnnAssign(self, node):
    type_ = get_exact_type_from_node(node.target)
    self.expr_visitor.visit(node.target, type_)
    self.expr_visitor.visit(node.value, type_)

def visit_Assert(self, node):

in visit_Assert(), it doesn't visit node.msg. Then in /vyper/codegen/expr.py, Expr::parse_Attribute(self) cannot get the type of expression and then the whole compiler crashes.


Low Risk


L-06. compiler crash during raise codegen

Submitted by KuroHashDit.


There is a crash bug when vyper generates raise code.

Vulnerability Details

Good Code:

def __init__():

def test():
    x: uint256 = 1
    s: String[100] = "error"
    raise s

This code works well.

Bad Code:

s: public(String[100])

def __init__():
    self.s = "error"

def test():
    x: uint256 = 1
    raise self.s

This code will cause the compiler to crash.



class StatementAnnotationVisitor(_AnnotationVisitorBase):
ignored_types = (vy_ast.Break, vy_ast.Continue, vy_ast.Pass, vy_ast.Raise)

def __init__(self, fn_node: vy_ast.FunctionDef, namespace: dict) -> None:
    self.func = fn_node._metadata["type"]
    self.namespace = namespace
    self.expr_visitor = ExpressionAnnotationVisitor(self.func)

    assert self.func.n_keyword_args == len(fn_node.args.defaults)
    for kwarg in self.func.keyword_args:
        self.expr_visitor.visit(kwarg.default_value, kwarg.typ)

def visit(self, node):

def visit_AnnAssign(self, node):
    type_ = get_exact_type_from_node(node.target)
    self.expr_visitor.visit(node.target, type_)
    self.expr_visitor.visit(node.value, type_)

def visit_Assert(self, node):

in StatementAnnotationVisitor class, it doesn't has visit_Raise method. Then in /vyper/codegen/expr.py, Expr::parse_Attribute(self) cannot get the type of expression and then the whole compiler crashes.


Low Risk


L-07. vyper can accept conflicting optimization options from cli

Submitted by cyberthirst.

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The compiler allows for setting different optimization levels: codesize and gas. These options exclude each other. However, the compiler can be run while supplying both of them.

Vulnerability Details

The compiler can be run as:

vyper --optimize gas --optimize codesize test.vy

These are conflicting options, and the compiler should not accept such a configuration - like in the following case:

    if args.no_optimize and args.optimize:
        raise ValueError("Cannot use `--no-optimize` and `--optimize` at the same time!")

In the end, the latter option (codesize) is used, which can be easily verified by stopping the compiler in a debugger on the following lines: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/cli/vyper_compile.py#L174-L178


The compiler allows for mutually exclusive options, out of which only 1 is used. As such, the execution of the compiler is not fully predictable.

A user who doesn't realize that the options are exclusive enables both. At the same time he prefers his contracts to be rather gas optimized rather codesize optimized. Because of the untransparent configuration, his preferences aren't met.

Tools Used

Manual review, PyCharm debugger.


Make the options mutually exclusive and stop the compilation process if both are provided.

L-08. crash due to shadowing iterator vars

Submitted by cyberthirst.

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The compiler crashes with valid input programs containing sqrt due to vyper.exceptions.CompilerPanic: shadowed loop variable range_ix0.

Vulnerability Details

The sqrt function's IR is generated via generate_inline_function which uses a new namespace and context. Additionally, the function's implementation contains a for loop.

The for loop present in the body generates a new fresh iterator variable: range_ix0 independently of the previous contexts. As a result, if there is a call to sqrt inside a for loop, then there will be a name clash of the iterator variables.

The following assert will not pass and the compiler will crash: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/ir/compile_ir.py#L434-L436


Here is a simple contract triggering the bug:

#@version ^0.3.9

def my_little_test() -> decimal:
    j: decimal = 0.0
    for i in range(666):
        j = sqrt(2.0)
    return j

Also contracts like this won't compile:

def my_little_test() -> decimal:
    j: decimal = sqrt(sqrt(666.0))
    return j


Some valid programs aren't possible to compile. As such developers are forced to code different (and maybe untransparent) contracts to avoid the bug.

Tools Used

Manual review.


Implement the function as other built-ins via manual IR construction.

L-09. crash due to missing var_info in struct attribute

Submitted by cyberthirst.

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Compiler crashes due to missing var_info in struct attribute when it validates modifications for immutable variables.

Vulnerability Details

For immutable variables, the number of modifications is tracked. If the surpasses 1, an exception is raised: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/semantics/analysis/base.py#L249-L253

The tracking is done using the attribute var_info. In certain scenarios this attribute is missing and the compiler crashes.


Suppose the following contract:

#@version ^0.3.9

struct B:
    v1: int128
    v2: decimal

struct A:
    v: B

val: public(immutable(A))

def __init__():
    val = A({v: B({v1: 0, v2: 0.0})})
    val.v.v1 += 666

When compiling the compiler crashes with:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_modification_count'


The compiler doesn't handle the modification checks (and possibly the var_info assignments) correctly for all contracts, this could lead to undefined behavior. However, we didn't find such a scenario. As such, the impact is mainly a confusing error for the developer, which can slow down the development process.

Tools Used

Manual testing.


The semantic analyzer most likely doesn't properly annotate all the relevant nodes with var_info (or annotates them too late). Ensure that the nodes have the necessary info needed to perform all the semantic passes.

L-10. single exit point not check for for loop

Submitted by cyberthirst.

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The compiler enforces that blocks have 1 exit point. This invariant isn't checked inside for loop.

Vulnerability Details

The compiler checks that function bodies and if statements have 1 exit point: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L1049-L1070

However, as we can see in the code the For node isn't validated. Thus, contract like the following one compile fine:

def returning_all_nigt_long() -> uint256:
    a: uint256 = 10
    for i in range(10):
        return 11
        a = 20
        return 12
    return a

But contracts like the following one don't compile:

def i_have_so_many_exit_point_omg() -> uint256:
    a: uint256 = 10
    if a < 20:
        return 0
        a = 20
        return 11111111111111
    return 101019291

The compilation fails with:

vyper.exceptions.StructureException: Too too many exit statements (return, raise or selfdestruct).
  contract "vyper_contracts/Test.vy:4", function "i_have_so_many_exit_point_omg", line 4:4 
       3     a: uint256 = 10
  ---> 4     if a < 20:
       5         return 0


The single exit point is an invariant that is broken for for loops. This could be problematic if the later stages of the compilation relied on this invariant. However, such case wasn't discovered. As such we consider it as a confusing inconsistency.

Tools Used

Manual review.


Extend the validation for a single exit to contain also for loops.

L-11. compiler crash du to ASTTokens instantiation

Submitted by cyberthirst.

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Instantiating the asttokens.ASTTokens class causes the compiler to crash even for a valid contract.

Vulnerability Details

Suppose the following program:

#@version ^0.3.9

import test5 as T

b: public(uint256)

event Transfer:
    random: indexed(uint256)
    shi: uint256

def transfer():
   log Transfer(T(self).b(), 10)

Compiling it causes the following error:

IndexError: list index out of range

The crash happens after executing the line: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/ast/annotation.py#L272


A valid program can't be compiled.

Tools Used

Manual testing.


We don't know what is the true cause of the crash and thus can't provide recommendation.

L-12. Tuple constants are deleted during folding, breaking compilation

Submitted by obront.

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During constant folding, references to constant variables are replaced by their underlying values. After this is done, the constant variable itself is deleted. In the case of tuple constants, the first step fails. This results in references to non-existent variables, which breaks the compilation process later on, in the codegen module.

Vulnerability Details

In the replace_user_defined_constants() function within the folding process, we go through all constant variables and iterate through all references to that value within the source code.

for node in vyper_module.get_descendants(vy_ast.Name, {"id": id_}, reverse=True):

For each instance, we call _replace(), which attempts to create a new node with the values from the old node, but the type changed to the type of the constant and the value set to the constant's value. This call is wrapped in a try catch block, so that UnfoldableNode errors do not break the compilation, but instead simply remain to be returned at runtime.

    new_node = _replace(node, replacement_node, type_=type_)
except UnfoldableNode:
    if raise_on_error:

If we look at the _replace() function, we can see that it handles when the value is a Constant, a List, or a Call, but returns UnfoldableNote in all other cases.

Comparing this to the checks within the semantic analysis, we can see that semantically we allow tuples to be constants, while the the folding process this will skip the folding due to an error:

def check_constant(node: vy_ast.VyperNode) -> bool:
    Check if the given node is a literal or constant value.
    if _check_literal(node):
        return True
    if isinstance(node, (vy_ast.Tuple, vy_ast.List)):
        return all(check_constant(item) for item in node.elements)
    if isinstance(node, vy_ast.Call):
        args = node.args
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], vy_ast.Dict):
            return all(check_constant(v) for v in args[0].values)

        call_type = get_exact_type_from_node(node.func)
        if getattr(call_type, "_kwargable", False):
            return True

    return False

After the folding is complete, the remove_unused_statements() function removes all nodes that represent variable declarations to constants. This assumes that these will all have been replaced in-place where they are used, but does not take into account that tuples have been skipped.

def remove_unused_statements(vyper_module: vy_ast.Module) -> None:
Remove statement nodes that are unused after type checking.

Once type checking is complete, we can remove now-meaningless statements to
simplify the AST prior to IR generation.

vyper_module : Module
    Top-level Vyper AST node.

for node in vyper_module.get_children(vy_ast.VariableDecl, {"is_constant": True}):

# `implements: interface` statements - validated during type checking
for node in vyper_module.get_children(vy_ast.ImplementsDecl):

The result is that any tuple constants are NOT replaced in-place during folding, but DO have their nodes deleted after folding is complete. This leads to an error further along the pipeline where the codegen module tries to parse_Name and finds that the corresponding variable name does not exist.

Proof of Concept

# @version ^0.3.9

e: constant(uint256) = 24
f: constant((uint256, uint256)) = (e, e)

def foo(x: uint256) -> uint256:
    return f[0]

This results in the following error:

vyper.exceptions.TypeCheckFailure: Name node did not produce IR.


Tuple constants that are declared will not be properly handled and instead will cause compilation to fail.

Note that while I have not been able to identify any way to have the code compile despite the missed checks, if there were any edge cases where these tuple values could be used within the contract without reverting the compilation, issues could creep into compiled code that could have more serious implications.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Adjust the _replace() function to handle tuples properly, or explicitly disallow them from being used as constants to catch this situation in the semantic analysis.

L-13. Gas cost estimates incorrect due to rounding in calc_mem_gas()

Submitted by obront.

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When memory is expanded, Vyper uses the calc_mem_gas() util function to estimate the cost of expansion. However, this calculation should round up to the nearest word, whereas the implementation rounds down to the nearest word. Since gas costs for memory expansion increase exponentially, this can create a substantial deviation as memory sizes get larger.

Vulnerability Details

When Vyper IR is being generated, we estimate the gas cost for all external functions, which includes a specific adjustment for the memory expansion cost:

# adjust gas estimate to include cost of mem expansion
# frame_size of external function includes all private functions called
# (note: internal functions do not need to adjust gas estimate since
mem_expansion_cost = calc_mem_gas(func_t._ir_info.frame_info.mem_used)  # type: ignore
ret.common_ir.add_gas_estimate += mem_expansion_cost  # type: ignore

This calc_mem_gas() function is implemented as follows:

def calc_mem_gas(memsize):
    return (memsize // 32) * 3 + (memsize // 32) ** 2 // 512

As we can see on EVM.codes, the calculation should be:

memory_size_word = (memory_byte_size + 31) / 32
memory_cost = (memory_size_word ** 2) / 512 + (3 * memory_size_word)

While both implementations use the same formula, the correct implementation uses memory_size_word as the total number of words of memory that have been touched (ie the memsize is rounded up to the nearest word), whereas the Vyper implementation rounds down to the nearest word.


Gas estimates will consistently underestimate the memory expansion cost of external functions.

Tools Used

Manual Review, EVM.codes


Change the calc_mem_gas() function to round up to correctly mirror the EVM's behavior:

def calc_mem_gas(memsize):
-   return (memsize // 32) * 3 + (memsize // 32) ** 2 // 512
+   return (memsize + 31 // 32) * 3 + (memsize + 31 // 32) ** 2 // 512

L-14. Incorrect gas estimate for BALANCE opcode

Submitted by obront.

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When gas costs are estimated, BALANCE is presumed to cost 700 gas. However, the correct gas cost for BALANCE is 2600.

Vulnerability Details

When gas costs are estimated, we use a cost of 700 for any calls to BALANCE:

"BALANCE": (0x31, 1, 1, 700),

However, since EIP 2929 the cost of a BALANCE read has increased to 2600.

Looking at the opcode gas costs, we can see that BALANCE is defined as follows:

gas_cost = 100 if target_addr in touched_addresses (warm access)
gas_cost = 2600 if target_addr not in touched_addresses (cold access)

Since Vyper defaults to taking the higher cost in situations that have discounts for warm addresses or storage slots (see: SSTORE, EXTCODESIZE), the gas cost for this operation should default to 2600.


Gas prices will be underestimated because of an incorrectly priced BALANCE opcode.

Tools Used

Manual Review, EVM.codes


Adjust BALANCE to reflect EIP 2929, as you have already done for EXTCODESIZE and EXTCODEHASH:

- "BALANCE": (0x31, 1, 1, 700),
+ "BALANCE": (0x31, 1, 1, (700, 2600)),

L-15. SHA256 built-in will return input value on chains without SHA256 precompile

Submitted by obront.

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When the SHA256 built-in function is called with a bytes32 input, we use the same scratch space to save the input and return the output. If a chain does not implement the SHA256 precompile (which is a requirement for many ZK rollups), this address will be an EOA, so the call will silently fail and we'll return the input value from memory.

Vulnerability Details

The SHA256 built-in function is a wrapper around the precompiled contract at address(0x02). In the event that it is called with a bytes32 argument, we perform the following logic:

  1. Place the input argument at the 0 memory slot.
  2. Call the precompile with an input of memory slots 0-31.
  3. Assert that the call succeeded.
  4. Ask the precompile to return the hashed value to memory slots 0-31.
  5. mload the value from memory slots 0-31 to return the hashed value.

We can see this logic implemented here:

sub = args[0]
# bytes32 input
if sub.typ == BYTES32_T:
    return IRnode.from_list(
            ["mstore", MemoryPositions.FREE_VAR_SPACE, sub],
            # @ok this will return no data if not enough gas? so it'll juse use the input
            # right now this can't be exploited becuase only 72 gas, so 1/64 remaining is just 1-2, not enough for mload
            # but if precompile gas increased even slightly, there would be a problem
            # - fuck i'm an idiot, after hours realized _make_sha256_call has an assert so requires a return value
            ["mload", MemoryPositions.FREE_VAR_SPACE],  # push value onto stack
        add_gas_estimate=SHA256_BASE_GAS + 1 * SHA256_PER_WORD_GAS,
def _make_sha256_call(inp_start, inp_len, out_start, out_len):
    return [
            ["gas"],  # gas
            SHA256_ADDRESS,  # address

In the event that the staticcall to address(0x02) succeeds (ie passes the assert) but returns no data, the input data will remain at memory slot 0 and will be returned from the function call.

In the event that a chain does not implement the SHA256 precompile, this is exactly what would happen. Because calls to EOAs always return 1 (success), such a call will pass the assert, but will return no calldata. The input data will then be returned with no error, leading to major vulnerabilities in any contract that uses this function.

Note that not implementing the SHA256 precompile is a common requirement for ZK rollups. Both ZKsync and Scroll do not implement the precompile at present. Fortunately, both currently have errors that will stop this vulnerability from being exploited, but future rollups that simply skip implementing the precompile will be vulnerable.


Rollups that do not implement the SHA256 precompile will lead to the SHA256 built-in function returning the input (rather than no data) for all bytes32 inputs.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Because there is a risk of the call succeeding with no return value, return the data to FREE_VAR_SPACE2 to ensure that 0 is returned in the case of no data being returned.

L-16. Fang optimization options broken

Submitted by obront.

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Fang allows users to specify whether they would like their program outputted as ir, opt_ir, asm, or bytecode. However, the actual behavior is that ir will return optimized IR, and opt_ir will not return anything.

Vulnerability Details

When users call fang ..., the call is handled by cli/vyper_ir.py. One of the passed arguments is a list of formats to output. From the help doc:

"Format to print csv list of ir,opt_ir,asm,bytecode"

However, if we look at the compile_to_ir() function, we can see that, in the event that ir is passed, it automatically optimizes the IR and saves it as compiler_data["ir"], rather than compiler_data["opt_ir"].

compiler_data = {}
ir = IRnode.from_list(s_expressions[0])
ir = optimizer.optimize(ir)
if "ir" in output_formats:
    compiler_data["ir"] = ir

Further, we can see that if opt_ir is included in the list of formats, it is not processed and nothing happens. There is no way to save any value in compiler_data["opt_ir"].

Later, when we process outputs, we iterate over the possible output types:

for key in ("ir", "opt_ir", "asm", "bytecode"):
    if key in compiler_data:

Since there will never be any key called opt_ir in compiler_data, this option will be skipped.


Fang will generate optimized IR when we request unoptimized IR. This can lead to problems for low level developers who are using Fang specifically so they can specify that their IR should remain exactly as they wrote it. This can lead to unexpected behavior, such as gas prices and codesize not being exactly as predicted.

It will skip generating the optimized IR when asked, which is less of an issue.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Split the generation of IR via Fang into two options: one for ir that skips the optimization step, and another for opt_ir that uses the current implementation.

L-17. _bytes_to_num() skips ensure_in_memory() check, which can lead to compilation failure

Submitted by obront.

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The _bytes_to_num() function used in conversion assumes that any bytestring types are in memory. If they are declared from within the expression, it will try to load them from memory and panic.

Vulnerability Details

When converting a bytestring to a number, we perform the following:

if isinstance(arg.typ, _BytestringT):
    _len = get_bytearray_length(arg)
    arg = LOAD(bytes_data_ptr(arg))
    num_zero_bits = ["mul", 8, ["sub", 32, _len]]

The get_bytearray_length() function correctly handles the case when an empty bytestring is passed directly to the conversion. However, the bytes_data_ptr() function panics if the argument doesn't have a location specified:

if ptr.location is None:
    raise CompilerPanic("tried to modify non-pointer type")

Proof of Concept

The following Vyper contract should compile:

def get_empty_bytestring_as_uint() -> uint256:
    return convert(empty(Bytes[32]), uint256)

However, it instead returns the following:

Error compiling: examples/minimal.vy
vyper.exceptions.CompilerPanic: tried to modify non-pointer type


Contracts that include a conversion where an empty bytestring is declared within the expression will fail to compile.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Use something like the ensure_in_memory() function used elsewhere in the compiler to move empty bytestrings to memory before converting them, or create a manual override for empty strings to return the appropriate value.

L-18. Built-in shift() function will fail if passed a negative integer at compile time

Submitted by obront.

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The built-in shift() function accepts an INT256 as an input, which are accounted for and work fine at runtime. However, there is a compile time check that causes a revert if a negative literal is passed to the function.

Vulnerability Details

In the evaluate() method, which is used when shift() is evaluated at compile time, there is the following check:

if value < 0 or value >= 2**256:
    raise InvalidLiteral("Value out of range for uint256", node.args[0])

However, the function is intended to accept INT256 as an argument:

_inputs = [("x", (UINT256_T, INT256_T)), ("_shift_bits", IntegerT.any())]

This is properly handled in the build_IR() method, but fails when evaluate() is called at compile time.


Contracts that shift a negative literal and attempt to evaluate the expression at compile time will fail to compile.

Tools Used

Manual Review


The ideal option would be to update the evaluate() method to handle negative integers.

Alternatively, given the shift() function is deprecated and may not justify the extra work, the easiest solution is to simply raise UnfoldableNote for values between type(int256).min and 0, which will skip evaluation and leave the function to be evaluated at runtime.

L-19. Compiled opcodes will return wrong values for PUSH instructions due to incorrect padding

Submitted by obront.

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When the compiler is run in -f opcodes or -f opcodes_runtime mode, it translates the final bytecode into opcodes. However, due to incorrect padding placed on PUSH values, the return values will be incorrect for any bytes with leading zeros.

Vulnerability Details

When the compiler is run with a target output of opcodes, we run the final bytecode through the following function:

def _build_opcodes(bytecode: bytes) -> str:
    bytecode_sequence = deque(bytecode)

    opcode_map = dict((v[0], k) for k, v in opcodes.get_opcodes().items())
    opcode_output = []

    while bytecode_sequence:
        op = bytecode_sequence.popleft()
        opcode_output.append(opcode_map.get(op, f"VERBATIM_{hex(op)}"))
        if "PUSH" in opcode_output[-1] and opcode_output[-1] != "PUSH0":
            push_len = int(opcode_map[op][4:])
            # we can have push_len > len(bytecode_sequence) when there is data
            # (instead of code) at end of contract
            # CMC 2023-07-13 maybe just strip known data segments?
            push_len = min(push_len, len(bytecode_sequence))
            push_values = [hex(bytecode_sequence.popleft())[2:] for i in range(push_len)]

    return " ".join(opcode_output)

This function iterates through each instruction in the bytecode and translates it to the corresponding opcode. In the case of PUSH instructions, it parses the number of bytes to include (let's call it x), and then assumes the following x instructions are the value passed to PUSH.

For each of these two byte chunks, it parses the bytes with hex(bytecode_sequence.popleft())[2:] and joins them together.

The problem is that for two bytes that begin with a leading 0 (such as 0x05), this simply appends the non-zero digit to the sequence. The result is a sequence that is not as long as expected by the PUSH instruction, and therefore is prepended (or appended, depending on the type) with 0s in order to reach the expected length.

Proof of Concept

Consider the following Vyper contract, with a single function that returns a bytes4 value of 0x350f872d:

def f1() -> bytes4:
    return 0x350f872d

Because the second byte of the return value starts with a 0, the translation will return 0xf instead of 0x0f.

The result is are these incorrect opcodes returned from the compiler (see the PUSH32 instruction in the middle):



The compiler will return incorrect values when run in opcode mode and there is any PUSH instruction that includes bytes with leading zeros.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Ensure that the push_values value is padded to be two digits before being joined into a bytestring.

L-20. Wrong denominations included in reserved keywords

Submitted by obront.

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The list of denominations for units of ETH included in the reserved keywords list is different from the list of accepted denominations when converting between units. This leads to some reserved keywords that should not be, and some non-reserved keywords that should be.

Vulnerability Details

The list of reserved keywords for denominations is as follows:


The list of denominations accepted when converting between values is:

wei_denoms = {
    ("wei",): 1,
    ("femtoether", "kwei", "babbage"): 10**3,
    ("picoether", "mwei", "lovelace"): 10**6,
    ("nanoether", "gwei", "shannon"): 10**9,
    ("microether", "szabo"): 10**12,
    ("milliether", "finney"): 10**15,
    ("ether",): 10**18,
    ("kether", "grand"): 10**21,

Comparing the two lists:

  • The following are reserved but should not be: ada, twei, pwei
  • The following are not reserved but should be: milliether, microether, nanoether, picoether, femtoether, grand, kether


Some denominations that should be reserved are not, while others that should not be reserved are.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Line up the two lists so that the reserved keywords reflects the denominations that are used for conversions.

L-21. Pure functions can emit logs

Submitted by Franfran.

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Pure functions are allowed to emit logs.

Vulnerability Details

While pure functions are expected to be fully equivalent at any time, this is a false assumption that has been uncovered in the ChainSecurity review, because blockhash can be used. A built-in that has been forgotten is raw_log, which emits logs thanks to the LOG<N> opcode. For instance, this compiles just fine:

def loggg(_topic: bytes32, _data: Bytes[100]):
    raw_log([_topic], _data)

This is a write operation, while pure functions should only allow read access, thus breaking assumptions with pure functions.


This could be used maliciously for instance for implementors of pure functions. They should be called with the STATICCALL opcode which should throw an exception for any executed operation including CREATE, CREATE2, LOG0, LOG1, LOG2, LOG3, LOG4 SSTORE SELFDESTRUCT, and CALL with a non-zero value as described in the EIP-214 (did they missed delegatecall ?). In this case, STATICCALL will be used and when log is going to be emitted, the call will revert, which could freeze a contract.

Tools Used

Manual review


Ban raw_log from pure functions.

L-22. Compile-time division for signed integer edge case

Submitted by Franfran.

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At compile-time, division is using the same logic for both signed and unsigned integers. This is causing some corectness issues.

Vulnerability Details

Compile time div operation for both signed and unsigned are defined by evm_div

def evm_div(x, y):
    if y == 0:
        return 0
    # NOTE: should be same as: round_towards_zero(Decimal(x)/Decimal(y))
    sign = -1 if (x * y) < 0 else 1
    return sign * (abs(x) // abs(y))  # adapted from py-evm

But there should be an edge case according to the Ethereum yellow paper: image

As you can see, DIV and SDIV are not purely equivalent. There is an edge case when \mu[0] = -2^{255} and \mu[1] = -1. If we evaluate the expression with the Python engine, this is what we get for this function:

>>> def evm_div(x, y):
...     if y == 0:
...         return 0
...     # NOTE: should be same as: round_towards_zero(Decimal(x)/Decimal(y))
...     sign = -1 if (x * y) < 0 else 1
...     return sign * (abs(x) // abs(y))  # adapted from py-evm
>>> evm_div(-2**255, -1)
>>> assert evm_div(-2**255, -1) == 2**255

It's 2**255, while it should be -2**255.


Here are some examples at looking how this could be exploited:

def div_bug() -> int256:
    return -2**255 / -1

Doesn't work, caught by the type checker:

vyper.exceptions.InvalidType: Expected int256 but literal can only be cast as uint256.
  contract "src/div.vy:3", function "div_bug", line 3:11
       2 def div_bug() -> int256:
  ---> 3     return -2**255 / -1

While it should compile.

But we can for instance make it compile this way, while it should revert since as_wei_value does not support negative values.

def div_bug() -> uint256:
    return as_wei_value(-2**255 / -1, "wei")

This compiles while the value should evaluate to a negative value, and returns 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Another example:

def div_bug() -> uint256:
    return max(-2**255 / -1, 0)

returns 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 because max is evaluated at compile-time with the wrong computation of -2**255 / -1. The expected result should be 0.

def div_bug() -> int256:
    return min(-2**255 / -1, 0)

returns 0

Other things that compile while it shouldn't:

def div_bug() -> String[100]:
    return uint2str(-2**255 / -1)
def div_bug() -> uint256:
    return uint256_addmod(-2**255 / -1, -2**255 / -1, -2**255 / -1)
def div_bug() -> uint256:
    return uint256_mulmod(-2**255 / -1, -2**255 / -1, -2**255 / -1)
def div_bug() -> uint256:
    return pow_mod256(-2**255 / -1, -2**255 / -1)

Tools Used

Manual review


def evm_div(x, y):
    if y == 0:
        return 0
	elif x == -2**255 and y == -1:
		return -2**255
    sign = -1 if (x / y) < 0 else 1
    return sign * abs(x // y)

(might be better to create a evm_sdiv to make sure that it won't cause any issue in the future)