
`_bytes_to_num()` skips `ensure_in_memory()` check, which can lead to compila...



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_bytes_to_num() skips ensure_in_memory() check, which can lead to compilation failure


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The _bytes_to_num() function used in conversion assumes that any bytestring types are in memory. If they are declared from within the expression, it will try to load them from memory and panic.

Vulnerability Details

When converting a bytestring to a number, we perform the following:

if isinstance(arg.typ, _BytestringT):
    _len = get_bytearray_length(arg)
    arg = LOAD(bytes_data_ptr(arg))
    num_zero_bits = ["mul", 8, ["sub", 32, _len]]

The get_bytearray_length() function correctly handles the case when an empty bytestring is passed directly to the conversion. However, the bytes_data_ptr() function panics if the argument doesn't have a location specified:

if ptr.location is None:
    raise CompilerPanic("tried to modify non-pointer type")

Proof of Concept

The following Vyper contract should compile:

def get_empty_bytestring_as_uint() -> uint256:
    return convert(empty(Bytes[32]), uint256)

However, it instead returns the following:

Error compiling: examples/minimal.vy
vyper.exceptions.CompilerPanic: tried to modify non-pointer type


Contracts that include a conversion where an empty bytestring is declared within the expression will fail to compile.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Use something like the ensure_in_memory() function used elsewhere in the compiler to move empty bytestrings to memory before converting them, or create a manual override for empty strings to return the appropriate value.