
crash due to missing var_info in struct attribute



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crash due to missing var_info in struct attribute


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Compiler crashes due to missing var_info in struct attribute when it validates modifications for immutable variables.

Vulnerability Details

For immutable variables, the number of modifications is tracked. If the surpasses 1, an exception is raised: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/semantics/analysis/base.py#L249-L253

The tracking is done using the attribute var_info. In certain scenarios this attribute is missing and the compiler crashes.


Suppose the following contract:

#@version ^0.3.9

struct B:
    v1: int128
    v2: decimal

struct A:
    v: B

val: public(immutable(A))

def __init__():
    val = A({v: B({v1: 0, v2: 0.0})})
    val.v.v1 += 666

When compiling the compiler crashes with:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_modification_count'


The compiler doesn't handle the modification checks (and possibly the var_info assignments) correctly for all contracts, this could lead to undefined behavior. However, we didn't find such a scenario. As such, the impact is mainly a confusing error for the developer, which can slow down the development process.

Tools Used

Manual testing.


The semantic analyzer most likely doesn't properly annotate all the relevant nodes with var_info (or annotates them too late). Ensure that the nodes have the necessary info needed to perform all the semantic passes.