
concat built-in can corrupt memory



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concat built-in can corrupt memory


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concat built-in can write over the bounds of the memory buffer that was allocated for it and thus overwrite existing valid data. The root cause, at least for v0.3.10rc3*, is that the build_IR for concat doesn't properly adhere to the API of copy_bytes.

Vulnerability Details

The build_IR allocates a new internal variable for the concatenation: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/builtins/functions.py#L534-L550

Notice that the buffer is allocated for the maxlen + 1 word to actually hold the length of the array.

Later the copy_bytes function is used to copy the actual source arguments to the destination: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/builtins/functions.py#L569-L572

The dst_data is defined as:

  • data ptr - to skip the 1 word that holds the length
  • offset - to skip the source arguments that were already written to the buffer
    • the offset is increased via: ["set", ofst, ["add", ofst, arglen]], ie it is increased by the length of the source argument

Now, the copy_bytes function has multiple control flow paths, the following ones are the interesting ones: 1st: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L270-L273 2nd: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L301-L320

It can be seen that in both paths a word from source can be copied to the destination.

Note that the function itself contains the following note: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/3b310d5292c4d1448e673d7b3adb223f9353260e/vyper/codegen/core.py#L245-L247

That is we can ask for a copy of 1B yet a whole word is copied.

Now, if the dst_data's distance to the end of the concat data buffer is < 32B, the copy_op = STORE(dst, LOAD(src)) from copy_bytes will result in buffer overflow as it essentially will mstore to dst_data the mload of the source (mload will load whole word and the distance of the dst_data to the word boundary is <32B). The argumentation for the 2nd path in copy_bytes is analogical.


The main attack vector that was found was when the concat is inside an internal function or in __init__(). Suppose we have an external function that calls internal one. In such case the address space is divided such that the memory for the internal function is in lower portion of the adr space. As such the buffer overflow can overwrite valid data of the caller.

Here is a simple example:

#@version ^0.3.9

def bar() -> uint256:
    sss: String[2] = concat("a", "b") 
    return 1

def foo() -> int256:
    a: int256 = -1
    b: uint256 = self.bar()
    return a 

foo should clearly return -1, but it returns 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655

-1 was used intentionally due to its bit structure but the value here is fairly irelevant. In this example during the second iteration of the for loop in the build_IR mload to dst+1 will be executed (because len('a') == 1), thus the function will write 1B over the bounds of the buffer. The string 'b' is stored such that the right-most byte of the word is a zero byte. So,a zero byte will be written over the bounds. So when -1 is considered, it's left-most byte will be overwritten to all 0. Therefore it can be seen that: 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655 == (2**248-1) will output True.

Analysis of IR

If we look at the contract's IR (vyper --no-optimize -f it) we see:

# Line 30
                          /* a: int256 = -1 */ [mstore, 320, -1 <-1>],

And for the second iteration of the loop in concat:

                        [mload, arg],
                            [add, arg, 32],
                              [add, [add, 256 <concat destination>, 32], concat_ofst],
                              [mstore, dst, [mload, src]]]],
                          [set, concat_ofst, [add, concat_ofst, len]]]]],
                    [mstore, 256 <concat destination>, concat_ofst],
                    256 <concat destination>]],

So the address of the int is 320.

The dst is defined as: [add, [add, 256 <concat destination>, 32], concat_ofst],. In the second iteration the concat_ofst will be 1 because len('a)==1 so 256+32+1 = 289. Now this address will be mstored to - so the last mstored B will have the address 289+32=321 which clearly overlaps with the address of the int a.

2nd path and __init__()

To demonstrate the vulnerability in the second mentioned path (longer length_bound - the general case):

#@version ^0.3.9

s: String[1]
s2: String[33]
s3: String[34]

def __init__():
    self.s = "a"
    self.s2 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" # 33*'a'

def bar() -> uint256:
    self.s3 = concat(self.s, self.s2)
    return 1

def foo() -> int256:
    i: int256 = -1
    b: uint256 = self.bar()
    return i

Output of calling foo() is 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655`.

And lastly, a PoC for the __init__() function, in such case the immutables can be overwritten:

#@version ^0.3.9

i: immutable(int256)

def __init__():
    i = -1
    s: String[2] = concat("a", "b")

def foo() -> int256:
    return i

Output of calling foo() is 452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662655.


The buffer overflow can result in a complete change of semantics of the contract, which is even worse if an attacker controls the inputs to the function. Because the overflow doesn't have to happen each time it might go unnoticed during contract testing and vulnerable code can be deployed on chain.

However, not all usages of concat will result in overwriting valid data as we require it to be in an internal function and close to the return statement where other memory allocations don't occur. As such the likelihood is considered medium.

It seems that the bug was introduced in: 548d35d720fb6fd8efbdc0ce525bed259a73f0b9. git bisect was used between v0.3.1 (which seems to be good) and v0.3.2 (which was already bad) and forge test was run and the test asserted that the function indeed returns -1. So contracts deployed with vyper after this commit might be affected.

Tools Used

Manual review to find the bug. boa + forge + git bisect for testing.


One possible solution would be overallocate the buffer used for the concatenation. It must be ensured that even if the source arguments are copied to the destination when the destination is close to the buffer end (ie distance is <32B), it will not result in a buffer overflow.