
integer overflow in slice()



39215.99 USDC

22875.99 USDC
16340.00 USDC
Selected Submission

integer overflow in slice()


Medium Risk


There is an integer overflow in the slice() code, which will cause memory corruption.

Vulnerability Details


d: public(Bytes[256])
def test():
	x : uint256 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 # 2**256-1
	self.d = b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06"
	# s : Bytes[256] = slice(self.d, 1, x)
	assert len(slice(self.d, 1, x))==115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935

Since x is a variable, slice(self.d, 1, x) will return a Bytes[256] object. However, due to an integer overflow, the length of this Bytes[256] object will be written to 2**256-1, and accessing this object may cause memory corruption.


line 348 in vyper/builtins/functions.py

def build_IR(self, expr, args, kwargs, context):
    src, start, length = args

    # Handle `msg.data`, `self.code`, and `<address>.code`
    if src.value in ADHOC_SLICE_NODE_MACROS:
        return _build_adhoc_slice_node(src, start, length, context)

    is_bytes32 = src.typ == BYTES32_T
    if src.location is None:
        # it's not a pointer; force it to be one since
        # copy_bytes works on pointers.
        assert is_bytes32, src
        src = ensure_in_memory(src, context)

    with src.cache_when_complex("src") as (b1, src), start.cache_when_complex("start") as (
    ), length.cache_when_complex("length") as (b3, length):
        if is_bytes32:
            src_maxlen = 32
            src_maxlen = src.typ.maxlen

        dst_maxlen = length.value if length.is_literal else src_maxlen

        buflen = dst_maxlen

        # add 32 bytes to the buffer size bc word access might
        # be unaligned (see below)
        if src.location == STORAGE:
            buflen += 32

        # Get returntype string or bytes
        assert isinstance(src.typ, _BytestringT) or is_bytes32
        # TODO: try to get dst_typ from semantic analysis
        if isinstance(src.typ, StringT):
            dst_typ = StringT(dst_maxlen)
            dst_typ = BytesT(dst_maxlen)

        # allocate a buffer for the return value
        buf = context.new_internal_variable(BytesT(buflen))
        # assign it the correct return type.
        # (note mismatch between dst_maxlen and buflen)
        dst = IRnode.from_list(buf, typ=dst_typ, location=MEMORY)

        dst_data = bytes_data_ptr(dst)

        if is_bytes32:
            src_len = 32
            src_data = src
            src_len = get_bytearray_length(src)
            src_data = bytes_data_ptr(src)

        # general case. byte-for-byte copy
        if src.location == STORAGE:
            # because slice uses byte-addressing but storage
            # is word-aligned, this algorithm starts at some number
            # of bytes before the data section starts, and might copy
            # an extra word. the pseudocode is:
            #   dst_data = dst + 32
            #   copy_dst = dst_data - start % 32
            #   src_data = src + 32
            #   copy_src = src_data + (start - start % 32) / 32
            #            = src_data + (start // 32)
            #   copy_bytes(copy_dst, copy_src, length)
            #   //set length AFTER copy because the length word has been clobbered!
            #   mstore(src, length)

            # start at the first word-aligned address before `start`
            # e.g. start == byte 7 -> we start copying from byte 0
            #      start == byte 32 -> we start copying from byte 32
            copy_src = IRnode.from_list(
                ["add", src_data, ["div", start, 32]], location=src.location

            # e.g. start == byte 0 -> we copy to dst_data + 0
            #      start == byte 7 -> we copy to dst_data - 7
            #      start == byte 33 -> we copy to dst_data - 1
            copy_dst = IRnode.from_list(
                ["sub", dst_data, ["mod", start, 32]], location=dst.location

            # len + (32 if start % 32 > 0 else 0)
            copy_len = ["add", length, ["mul", 32, ["iszero", ["iszero", ["mod", start, 32]]]]]
            copy_maxlen = buflen

            # all other address spaces (mem, calldata, code) we have
            # byte-aligned access so we can just do the easy thing,
            # memcopy(dst_data, src_data + dst_data)

            copy_src = add_ofst(src_data, start)
            copy_dst = dst_data
            copy_len = length
            copy_maxlen = buflen

        do_copy = copy_bytes(copy_dst, copy_src, copy_len, copy_maxlen)

        ret = [
            # make sure we don't overrun the source buffer
            ["assert", ["le", ["add", start, length], src_len]],  # bounds check  #BUG CODE IS HERE start + length might overflow
            ["mstore", dst, length],  # set length
            dst,  # return pointer to dst
        ret = IRnode.from_list(ret, typ=dst_typ, location=MEMORY)
        return b1.resolve(b2.resolve(b3.resolve(ret)))

["assert", ["le", ["add", start, length], src_len]] may have integer overflow, bypassing the assert here, and finally writing the wrong length to dst.


Medium Risk


Fix integer overflow here