
Unhandled DoS when access to Chainlik oracle is blocked



53.29 USDC

7.20 USDC
10.08 USDC
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7.20 USDC
7.20 USDC
7.20 USDC
7.20 USDC
Selected Submission

Unhandled DoS when access to Chainlik oracle is blocked


Medium Risk


In certain exceptional scenarios, oracles may become temporarily unavailable. As a result, invoking the latestRoundData function could potentially revert without a proper error handling.

Vulnerability Details

Steadefi documentation gives special focus on Chainlink price feed dependency, (https://github.com/Cyfrin/2023-10-SteadeFi/tree/main "Additional Context"). The concern stems from the potential for Chainlink multisignature entities to deliberately block the access to the price feed. In such a situation, using the latestRoundData function could lead to an unexpected revert.

In certain extraordinary situations, Chainlink has already proactively suspended particular oracles. To illustrate, in the case of the UST collapse incident, Chainlink chose to temporarily halt the UST/ETH price oracle to prevent the propagation of incorrect data to various protocols.

Additionally, this danger has been highlighted and very well documented by OpenZeppelin in https://blog.openzeppelin.com/secure-smart-contract-guidelines-the-dangers-of-price-oracles. For our current scenario:

"While currently there’s no whitelisting mechanism to allow or disallow contracts from reading prices, powerful multisigs can tighten these access controls. In other words, the multisigs can immediately block access to price feeds at will. Therefore, to prevent denial of service scenarios, it is recommended to query ChainLink price feeds using a defensive approach with Solidity’s try/catch structure. In this way, if the call to the price feed fails, the caller contract is still in control and can handle any errors safely and explicitly".

As a result and taking into consideration the recommendation from OpenZepplin, it is essential to thoroughly tackle this matter within the codebase, as it directly relates to many functionalities of the system which are based on the oracle's output.

Another example to check this vulnerability can be consulted in https://solodit.xyz/issues/m-18-protocols-usability-becomes-very-limited-when-access-to-chainlink-oracle-data-feed-is-blocked-code4rena-inverse-finance-inverse-finance-contest-git

Proof of Concept

As previously discussed, to mitigate the potential risks related to a denial-of-service situation, it is recommended to implement a try-catch mechanism when querying Chainlink prices in the _getChainlinkResponse function within ChainlinkARBOracle.sol (link to code below). By adopting this approach, in case there's a failure in invoking the price feed, the caller contract retains control and can effectively handle any errors securely and explicitly.


      uint80 _latestRoundId,
      int256 _latestAnswer,
      /* uint256 _startedAt */,
      uint256 _latestTimestamp,
      /* uint80 _answeredInRound */
    ) = AggregatorV3Interface(_feed).latestRoundData();


In the event of a malfunction or cessation of operation of a configured Oracle feed, attempting to check for the latestRoundData will result in a revert that must be managed manually by the system.

Tools Used

Manual review


Wrap the invocation of the latestRoundData() function within a try-catch structure rather than directly calling it. In situations where the function call triggers a revert, the catch block can be utilized to trigger an alternative oracle or handle the error in a manner that aligns with the system's requirements.